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Checklist for move-out cleaning

Before you move out, your student housing is required to undergo move-out cleaning. The cleaning will be inspected by the caretaker during the move-out inspection. Here is the complete checklist for your move-out cleaning.

Download the move-out cleaning checklist as a PDF.

All rooms

  • Wipe down walls, tiles, grouting, trim and vents with a damp cloth.
  • Wipe down power outlets and switches. Note: use a dry cloth.
  • Remove spider webs from the ceiling.
  • Wipe down doors, door handles, frames
    and thresholds.
  • Wipe down radiators, including behind and in between.
  • Wipe down the lamps.
  • Hoover and wipe down wardrobes, cupboards, shelves and drawers, inside and outside.
  • Clean the windows, inside and outside, and, if possible, between the window panes. Wipe down window sills, window frames and accessible surfaces of blinds.
  • Wall plugs are to be removed and plug holes are to be filled in a professional manner.
  • Hoover and mop the floor – with a well wrung-out cloth/mop. Do not pour water on floors.
  • Did you rent a furnished room? Pull out the furniture and clean behind. Hoover and wipe down furniture.Remove and throw away the stretch bed cover you received when you moved in.


  • Wipe down worktops, sink and taps. Clean the space under the sink.
  • Rub down the draining board and taps.
  • Pull out the cooker and wipe down all sides. Clean behind and under the cooker. Remove and
    clean the cooker control knobs. It is a good idea to take a photo first, so you put the knobs back
    in the right place.
  • Clean the oven, inside and outside. The oven door is to be taken apart and cleaned between the glass panes. Clean racks and oven trays.
  • Wipe down the cooker hood and clean the extractor fan filter.
  • Wipe down the fridge and freezer, inside and outside, and the sealing strips. Clean the drain hole. Pull out the fridge and freezer, clean behind and under.
  • Defrost the freezer.
    Turn off the fridge and freezer and leave the doors open.


  • Clean the washbasin, clean the taps and clear the water trap.
  • Clean the mirror.
  • Clean the shower, remove limescale and clean the taps.
  • Clear the floor drain and clean the drain cover.
  • Wipe down the bath and clean under and behind. Clean the taps.
  • Clean the toilet, inside and outside, and the toilet seat.
  • Wipe down and turn off the towel dryer.

Other spaces

  • Empty the post box. Remove padlock.
  • Remove your bicycle from the bicycle parking area. Remove lock, if applicable.
  • Empty and sweep up your storage unit. Remove padlock.
  • Empty and wipe down your own space in the corridor kitchen (cupboard, drawer and compartment in fridge/freezer)
  • Do you have your own balcony/outdoor space? Sweep up and remove any weeds.

Latest update March 5, 2025