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Sustainable operational targets

As a property owner, AF Bostäder influences the outside world in a number of different ways. Through sustainable business goals, we work to limit the negative impact and increase our positive footprint. The goals are followed up in the sustainability report.

For the students' best

  • We shall increase customer satisfaction to 82 out of 100 in the customer satisfaction survey Nöjd Studbo Live (SKI) for 2024.

Value-creating workplace

  • We shall be a value-creating workplace and score 125 out of 180 in the Attractive Employer Index (AVI) by 2024.

Sustainable housing

  • We shall increase the percentage of sorted waste to 60 % of the total waste volume by 2024.
  • We shall reduce energy consumption (kWh/m2) in the older part of the property portfolio (built before 2018) by 10 % between 2018 and 2024.
  • In line with the City of Lunds goals in Climate Neutral Lund 2030, we are to reduce our total greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2030, compared with the base year of 2010.

    Sub-goal: To map our emissions and identify measures for reaching the emissions goal, we will introduce climate impact calculations in 2024 for all maintenance and development projects that exceed SEK 1 million.

    We have carried out climate impact calculations on all new construction projects since 2020 – this was made a legal requirement in 2022. The emissions goal and the sub-goal include scope 1, 2 and 3. The next step is to map our emission levels for 2010 and ascertain how data is to be collected and presented – work that may affect the final setting of goals.   

Long-term and responsible actor

  • We shall offer housing for a further 1 000 students between 2020 and 2024 by expanding our property portfolio.  
  • Our annual result, before allocations and tax, shall be positive over time and amount to SEK 30 million. 


Latest update May 24, 2024