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Clean easily and sustainably with Ekotipset

In cooperation with Ellinor Sirén, known for her Instagram account, “Ekotipset” (Eco-hacks), we have produced a special edition of her popular book “Städa hållbart med Ekotipset” (Clean Sustainably with Eco-hacks).

Collect your free copy (in Swedish) from the Service Centre at Sparta! The book gives you lots of tips, advice, and recipes for how you can clean all parts of your home easily and in an eco-friendly way using natural and sustainable agents. More tips can be found on Ekotipset on Instagram.

Below are three videos with student-friendly tips from the book. Good luck with your sustainable cleaning!

Clean your microwave with the miracle solution

Recipe and instructions for cleaning the microwave with Ekotipset's miracle solution.

Clean baking sheets with sugar cubes

This is how easily you clean a baking sheet with a regular sugar cube!

White shoe soles with bicarbonate paste

This is how easily you can get your shoe soles chalk white again with bicarbonate paste.

Latest update March 12, 2024