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How to sort your waste

We have a shared responsibility for the environment. By sorting correctly, waste can be recycled and become a useful resource again. Here we have gathered information and videos to help you sort your waste correctly!

Sometimes it can be tricky to know where different things should be disposed of. Below you will find some quick sorting tips. If you have packaging made of multiple materials, the basic rule is to sort them by the material that weighs the most in the packaging.

Feel free to use Sysav's sorting guide to search for all types of sorting. Please note that Sysav's sorting guide is available only in Swedish. 

Go to your housing area and click on the map (in the slideshow) to see where your waste station and bulky waste station are located.

Sorting tips

Food waste

Edible food, of course, belongs in the stomach. The rest should be sorted into the brown food waste bag to be transformed into biogas and biofertilizer.

Cooking fat

Remember to recycle your fat. No fat in the wastewater system means no stoppages in the pipes. And the best part – your fat will be converted into biofuel. Thank you for minding your waste.

Bulky waste and exchange shelf

Bulky waste is waste that cannot be sorted at the regular waste station i.e. batteries, electronics, light sources, furniture, frying pans, and Christmas trees. There are bulky waste stations "Gröna rummet" (the green room), in all our student housing areas.

Clothes and textiles

Have you grown tired of a piece of clothing, or has it been damaged? From 2025, it will be prohibited to dispose of textiles in residual waste – they must instead be reused or recycled.

Plastic, cardboard, metal, glass, newspapers, and residual waste

For these items, most of us have a good idea of what goes where, but some things are tricky to sort correctly. For example, did you know that receipts and envelopes are to be disposed of in the residual waste?

Latest update March 27, 2024