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Apply to the Housing Board

Below is more information about how to apply to the Housing Board.

Please note: An application can only be sent by post to the address below. Applications via email will be rejected for reasons of privacy.

An application must always contain the following documents

(Incomplete applications are rejected.)

  1. Personal letter with a clear request and the cited reasons. The application begins with a name, customer number, address, and contact details.
  2. Registration certificate from LADOK at Lund University regarding at least the current and immediately preceding semester. The registration certificate must not be more than two weeks old.
  3. Study certificate from LADOK at Lund University for the whole housing list/tenancy period that states complete study results linked to Lund University.
  4. Certification of paid membership of Studentlund for the current semester.
  5. Sufficient certification to substantiate the reasons given in the application.

Inciting medical reasons, a doctor’s certificate from the treating physician must always:

  • substantiate the reasons stated in the application
  • contain a medical diagnosis

For applications regarding medical exemption according to § 12 of the Housing List and Rental Conditions, the doctor’s certificate must also contain a prognosis with a presumed date for the resumption of at least half-time studies.

According to § 18 of the Housing List and Rental Conditions, the doctor’s certificate may, if required, also state an appropriate type of housing for applications regarding medical priority.

Processing period

The Housing Board normally meets every two weeks during each semester. Complete applications are assessed at the earliest one week after registration. Decisions are communicated via email approximately one week after the board’s decision. The Housing Board’s decision cannot be appealed.

After the matter is concluded, all documents are destroyed.


The application and documents are to be sent by post to:

AF Bostäder
Box 799
220 07 LUND

Latest update March 6, 2025